Saturday, August 18, 2007

Thank you!

Thank you for all of your donations and help with making the Dr. Brad Timpf Scholarship fund exist and raise almost $10,000 to date! On Thursday, August 16th, the Timpf family attended an event at the Signature Grand in Davie where a student was presented a scholarship to attend a Florida school.

The next most exciting thing for us is the Simon Evening of Giving event which will take place on November 18th, 2007 at the Boca Town Center Mall. The blog posted below has all of the details on what this event entails.

Please contact Diana for any information or to purchase a ticket at or Lisa at 954.426.1100.

Thank you again for all of your support and dedication to this great scholarship that will help benefit students who would not previously been able to afford college.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Fundraising Event: November 18th

The Brad Timpf Scholarship Fund

The Broward Education Foundation
Broward County Public Schools 600 SE Third Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USAPhone: (754) 321-0000

Most Fashionable Community Fundraising Event of the Season

November 18th, 2007, 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. @ the Town Center Mall at Boca Raton

Supporters will enjoy exclusive "evening-only" store discounts throughout the mall; live music, dancing and entertainment; appetizers and desserts prepared by chefs from area's leading restaurants, hotels, and caterers; an alluring runway fashion show; fun socializing and networking opportunities and more. Tickets for this first-class fundraising event are $30, with $25 going towards the Brad Timpf Scholarship Fund and the remaining $5 going towards the Simon Youth Foundation®, a not-for-profit organization that fosters educational and career development for at-risk youth. To purchase a ticket, please call 954.426.1100 or email

The Brad Timpf Scholarship Fund is set up through The Florida Prepaid College Tuition Program. The Foundation continues to invest in the future with it’s partnership with the Florida Prepaid College Tuition Foundation. The Broward Education Foundation, with a match from the Prepaid Foundation, is able to purchase prepaid contracts through the State of Florida. It provides a defined benefit college tuition contract for State universities, community colleges, and vocational/technical centers. Administered by the State of Florida, The Broward Education Foundation invests in this program for many reasons: it provides a defined benefit, its value is guaranteed, as a long term investment it acts as a hedge against inflation, but most importantly the contracts are matched 1:1 by the Florida Prepaid College Tuition Foundation.

To check out more information on past events, please visit