Monday, December 10, 2007

One year ago today...

Life was pretty content until I got that dredful phonecall about Brad's death one year ago today. When I heard it, I was convinced that they had the wrong person...there had to be another Brad Timpf that happened to be in Miami last December 10th. Unfortunately, my hopeful thinking was not true. How could someone have no respect for human life to kill another human being? Especially someone like Brad. I still can not believe it to this day, but I honestly don't think I ever will. Life goes on day to day, and I have realized that as much time that passes, we can not forget our loved ones. That is why I created the memory bands. I have a piece of Brad on my wrist everyday, as all the other people who purchased them do.
As much as today hurt, I was somewhat pleased on the media coverage of the story considering the media usually frustrates me. Below are some links that are worth checking out: